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Being Enough

Satan works tirelessly to make us feel like we aren't enough.  We aren't humble enough, aren't charitable enough, patient enough, or kind enough.  He whispers to us that we aren't enough for our spouse and that they derve more than what you are. These have been very real emotions for me lately.  My not enough list seemed to grow and grow over the week.  I would try talking myself through the problem and telling myself over and over that, I just needed to let those feelings go, use the atonement and let Jesus Christ take away those feelings from me. The more I held in my thoughts and sorrows, the more I cried and the more not enoughs I added to the list. After confiding in my sister I realized I had to talk to my husband about my not enoughs and my desire to be better.  I cried that evening, letting out all the not enough that had built up inside of me.  Even after crying it out with him, my heart still hurt with the pain of not feeling like I was worthy of anything.

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